Cindy's Piece of the Puzzle


As Noel Cunningham is fond of saying, everyone has a piece of THE PUZZLE....
....that is, for making the world a better place.
Tammy encouraged me to actually CREATE a piece for myself
and here's what I've come up with.



A piece can be small or huge, but I'd suggest that it be AMBITIOUS

It's so easy to fall into the trap of mindlessly working and trying to "just make a living",
raise a family, keep the house and yard work done.............

........but the need is HUGE and help is in short supply.  In the process of reaching out
to help someone else, you are guaranteed to become more thankful for what you HAVE.

It could mean becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, feeding the hungry at a homeless shelter,
exercising dogs or cleaning cages at your local animal shelter, sharing your particular skills at
an area non-profit, church or hospital, or pledging dollars to your favorite cause.


                    Pitching in will help The World........
       ............and don't be surprised if your health,
                                            your outlook and your HEART improve in the process.


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